Lo leo en el blog de Franze, especializado en temas religiosos. Es sorprendente:
In Austria, three muslim fathers, Bosnian and Chechnyin (sp), are demanding that the non-muslim teachers, including the head, be required to wear the hijab. This in a school where three-quarters of the pupils are muslim, and where muslim teachers and pupils are already allowed wear it. But that isn’t enough, apparently.
The fathers maintain the teachers should be grateful that they have so many muslim pupils because otherwise the school would have to close for lack of numbers.
They have also demanded that the pupils not be publicly reprimanded (shame/honour?) and that they not take part in choir performances as this constitutes ‘prostitution’. Also, it is not for any teacher to question their absence from swimming lessons.
The most disgusting aspect of this for me is their refusal to use the polite ‘Sie’ form when addressing the teachers, because as women they don’t ‘deserve’ it.
Los padres mahometanos de un escuela austriaca exigen:
1- Que las profesoras lleven velo.
2- Que los chicos no sean reprendidos en público… vergonzosillos estos moritos, ¿o es que quizás no aceptan ser amonestados por un infiel?
3- No participar en el coro, pues equivale a la prostitución. Tampoco en las clases de natación. Imagino que debido a la mezcla de sexos en el mismo agua de la piscina.
4.- No estar obligados a dar el usted a las profesoras, porque, como mujeres, no se lo merecen.
¡Qué grade es el multiculturalismo!
hi friends,
i linked your blog to my http://europenews.blogg.de/ page
hope thats fine for you
all the best
Thank you. Your site is very interesting. Pity that I do not read German…