La "legalidad internacional", y sobre todo la europea, prefiere dedicarse casos mas serios, va de suyo. Por ejemplo, las torturas de Abu Graib, el centro de detención de terroristas de Guantánamo, los vuelos de la CIA…
Mientras esos casos escandalosos acaparan portadas día tras día, el genocidio de Darfur continúa:
April 28, 2006 — Currently extant data, in aggregate, strongly suggest that total excess mortality in Darfur, over the course of more than three years of deadly conflict, now significantly exceeds 450,000
(…)For terrifyingly, all current evidence suggests that hundreds of thousands of human beings will die in the coming months from these same causes. A rapidly accelerating contraction of humanitarian reach and capacity has left three quarters of a million civilians without any assistance whatsoever in Darfur and eastern Chad; many hundreds of thousands of other innocent human beings have only exceedingly tenuous access to aid. Further, the UN World Food Program announced just today that it was halving food rations for Darfur and eastern Sudan.
El regimen musulmán de Sudán aprovechará para darles la puntilla:
It is critical to remember that the National Islamic Front regime has never abided by a single agreement with any Sudanese party…not one, not ever. Impending failure in Abuja (or in the implementation of an Abuja agreement), along with Khartoum’s highly provocative large-scale military offensive, augurs a resumption of extremely fierce fighting throughout Darfur.
Pero por si fuera poco persigue a quienes se refugian en Chad:
Huge areas in eastern Chad are also now inaccessible because of Khartoum’s success in exporting genocidal destruction by means of its regular forces, its Janjaweed militia proxies, and the Chadian rebel groups that enjoy very substantial support from Khartoum’s National Islamic Front.
¿Y qué pasaría si Occidente intentara una acción humanitaria?
And given Khartoum’s obstructionist policies, even this may be optimistic: the National Islamic Front regime is currently denying visas to members of a UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations assessment mission. Further, NIF President Omar el-Beshir has threatened to turn Darfur into a "graveyard" for any non-African Union forces, which puts him squarely on the same page with Osama bin Laden, whose recent audio-tape urged al-Qaeda’s "holy warriors" to attack the "crusade" in Darfur.
Ahí lo ven. Eso sería calificado como una "cruzada". Palabra que hace temblar a los progres y también a centristas (es decir, derechistas vergonzantes) tanto como la de fascista o ultraderechista.
Más aún, la población de Darfur es musulmana, al 100% prácticamente:
That this "crusade" consists of humanitarian efforts to save Muslims in Darfur, whose entire population is Muslim, is an obscene irony that seems to matter no more to el-Beshir and the National Islamic Front than it does to bin Laden, who was hosted by the NIF from 1991 to 1996, and who maintained very close ties with Khartoum for a number of years after decamping to Afghanistan.
¿Pero entonces porqué les atacan? Pues por motivos raciales. Son negros. Pero no esperéis que haya acusaciones de racismo por parte de nuestros progres. Y sin embargo, estos árabes racistas y genocidas les cuentan a los negros americanos que el cristianismo es "la religión del hombre blanco".
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