Hay un libro de igual título, pero aplicado a Europa que trata de la infiltración yijadista de nuestras sociedades, que está pasando inadvertida a la opinión pública. En este caso se trata de un artículo sobre la tortura y asesinato de Hossam Armanious, un ciudadano norteamericano, cristiano copto, de procedencia egipcia, degollado en su casa junto con su mujer e hijas (8 y 15 años). Se ensañaron especialmente con esa última, a la que violaron y cortaron los pechos. Durante el funeral, grupos de musulmanes, concentrados delante de la iglesia, insultaron a los participantes. No hace tanto que sucedió, era enero de 2005.
Hossam Armanious participaba en foros en los que denunciaba la naturaleza violenta y maligna del Islam. La reacción de los musulmanes, como suele ser el caso, muestra que tenía razón.
El artículo sigue con una selección de citas del Corán y de la vida del falso profeta, la Sira de Isaac. Cuenta el caso del primer asesinato realizado por encargo de Mahoma:
The first Islamic assassination victim was a poet named Ashraf. In an illiterate society, poets were the journalists of their day. Their words swayed public opinion. Ashraf recognized that pirate and prophet were divergent career paths, and he had the courage to say so. This Hadith is from Bukhari’s Collection, Volume 4, Book 52, Number 270: Bukhari:V4B52N270 «Allah’s Messenger said, ‘Who is ready to kill Ashraf? He has said injurious things about Allah and His Apostle.’ Maslama got up saying, ‘Would you like me to kill him?’ The Prophet proclaimed, ‘Yes.’ Maslama said, ‘Then allow me to lie so that I will be able to deceive him.’ Muhammad said, ‘You may do so.'» Islam gives Muslims a license to lie and kill.
We pick up the story on page 94 of the History of al-Tabari, Volume VII. My shorthand for this passage is: Tabari VII:94. «Ashraf suspected no evil when Maslama cried, ‘Smite the enemy of Allah!’ So they smote him, and their swords clashed over him. Maslama said, ‘I remembered my dagger and I seized it. I thrust it into the lower part of his body. I bore down upon it until I reached his genitals. Allah’s enemy fell to the ground.'»
Ishaq revealed this in the Sira, or biography, of Muhammad: Ishaq:368 «We carried his head back to Muhammad during the night, saluted the Prophet as he stood praying, and cast Ashraf’s head before his feet. The Prophet praised Allah that the poet had been slain, and complimented us on the good work we had done in Allah’s Cause. Our attack upon Allah’s enemy cast terror among the Jews, and there was no Jew in Medina who did not fear for his life.'» Murder and terror are Islam’s «good works.» The murderers of the Armanious family are proud of their good Islamic deed.
Ishaq:368 «Ashraf’s body was left prostrate. After his fall, all of the Jews were brought low. Sword in hand we cut him down. By Muhammad’s order we were sent secretly to his home by night. Brother killing brother. We lured him to his demise with deviousness. We made him taste death with our deadly swords. We sought victory for the religion of the Prophet.» Tabari VII:97 «The morning after the murder of Ashraf, the Prophet declared, ‘Kill any Jew who falls under your power.'»
El artículo acaba mostrando la cobardía de los medios norteamericanos en relación con el caso:
ABC in New Jersey reported: «With no signs of forced entry or robbery, detectives suspect the victims may have known their killer. But at this moment, still no motive or suspect in this heartbreaking case.» Yet this is untrue. The authorities have many clues about the nature of the motives and murderers. As a result, the New York Post had the intelligence and courage to title its article «Islamic Hate Eyed in Slayings.» Further, a relative of Jersey City Mayor, Jerramiah Healy, answered a phone call placed to the Healy’s home by the New York Post and said there was information the murders were «religion-related.»
Y las mentiras de los clérigos musulmanes al respecto:
I’ll share the lies offered by the Islamic cleric to and printed by the ignorant reporter. «Islamic leaders said Saturday that the murders could not have been the work of someone inspired by the Quran. ‘We are not a bloody people,’ said Ahmed Shedeed, director of the Islamic Center of Jersey City. ‘This is not from the Quran. This is not from Islam at all.’ Asked about passages in the Quran that may suggest murdering non-believers in a manner that resembles the family’s deaths, he replied, ‘The Quran talks about people fighting in the battle of war. It’s not talking about people who live next to you. … This has nothing to do with our community at all.'»
Another Muslim lied: «The Quran stands very firmly against taking human life,» said noted Islamic author Zayn Kassam, chairwoman of the religious studies department of Pomona College in California. «If someone read a verse and used it to justify the killing of four people, I believe that person is unbalanced. … There are very few Muslims who would support this sort of thing.» Set in the context of the verse quoted above, I think we have found an unbalanced person, one employed by Pomona College, no less.
Traduzco la conclusión: Hasta que no acabemos de entender que Alá es el Mal, que Mahoma fue un pervertido y un asesino genocida, que el Corán es una declaración de guerra a la humanidad y que los hadices son un manifiesto terrorista, los musulmanes seguirán asesinando familias y estrellando aviones contra los rascacielos.
En mi modesta opinión a la «conclusión» le falta una frase, sólo una, pero que marca la diferencia: despues de «…los hadices son un manifiesto terrorista,» , debería decir, «y actuemos en consecuencia sin vacilaciones, titubeos, ni consideraciones sobre lo que es o nó «políticamente correcto»,» – …»los musulmanes seguirán asesinando familias y estrellando aviones contra rascacielos».