El chiste del día: El Congreso mejicano condena la intrusión fronteriza de trabajadores norteamericanos

Pues sí, deben de haber paralizado media Norteamerica del calambre que les habrá dado con la risa

Mexican legislators said they had photographs and video, taken on Monday, of the workers and heavy-duty construction equipment that showed them about 10 metres inside Mexico near the border city of Agua Prieta and the town of Douglas, Arizona.

Estas son las estimaciones de ilegales mejicanos en EE. UU.:

An estimated 1.2 million illegal immigrants were arrested in 2005 trying to cross into the US via the border states of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California. About 11 million Mexicans are thought to live in the US, more than six million of them illegally.

Mexican Govt pissed off some Yanqui crossed the border illegally

Debe de ser que sus señorías mejicanas están escocidas porque El muro que sí funciona.

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