El falso atlantismo de Sarkozy: Integrarse en la OTAN para anularla

El zangolotino que los franceses se dieron como presidente no para de tener ocurrencias. El próximo 13 de julio será presentada en París con bombo y platillo la Unión Euromediterránea, uno de esos pasos en falso que no pueden llevar a buen puerto y que empezaremos a pagar muy pronto.

Otra de sus jugadas más comentadas ha sido su acercamiento a Norteamérica. Se decía que Sarkozy había tomado el relevo a Blair (y a Aznar), ya que Brown es menos pro americano. Sin embargo, aquí nos cuentan que la jugada tiene truco:

But French calls for an autonomous European military capability have been greeted with skepticism by several European countries that are reluctant to undermine the existing security links with the United States established through NATO. Indeed, some of the more US-leaning European states suspect that France’s renewed interest in rejoining NATO is in fact a Trojan horse designed, ultimately, to destroy the Atlantic Alliance from within.

Sarkozy, therefore, seems to have concluded that if he wants to advance the cause of autonomous European defense, he will first have to placate euroskeptics on both sides of the Atlantic by proving his commitment to NATO. But France is unlikely to rejoin NATO if it does not promote European integration. Indeed, the President of the EU Military Committee, French General Henri Bentégeat, has said: “I think that if France normalizes its relations with NATO, European defense projects will become easier to progress.” Says Sarkozy: “The more we are friends with the Americans, the more we can be independent.”

France also wants the EU to have its own independent military planning capability (with its headquarters in Brussels). Says Europe Minister Jouyet: “We propose that Europe acquires the operational means for intervention with a planning center in Brussels.” This has been echoed by French Defense Minister Hervé Morin: “An own planning staff in Brussels forms part of our ideas.”

Another French proposal involves the creation of common EU arms market and the “definition of a common European disarmament and arms control policy.” Says Jouyet: “We are ready for an internal market and an arms agency at the European level which will allow us to reinforce our industrial bases.” Indeed, the European Commission recently proposed two new directives: one on defense procurement and another on intra-EU transfers of defense products.

France is also expected to proceed with a plan that would create a “common arms export policy” based on a proposal recently passed by the European Parliament. Furthermore, France wants to harmonize military training in Europe, as well as to “Europeanize” the foreign military bases of EU member states.

Cada vez estoy más convencido que este es el último cartucho que le queda a la derecha francesa. Después vendrá lo que Dios quiera y los franceses se han buscado. Y lo mismo sucederá con Alemania, donde la derecha está de capa caída. En España se ha desacreditado ella sola, y está en la oposición.

Why France Wants to Rejoin NATO


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