Reino Unido: Cordero sacrificado en una base militar para celebrar fiesta musulmana

Sucedió el pasado mes de octubre. Abrieron una investigación pero la cerraron sin mas tras concluir que el cordero no había sufrido innecesariamente…

A LAMB was slaughtered at a south Bucks military base as part of a religious celebration, sparking a Ministry of Defence probe, the Bucks Free Press can reveal.

The animal was killed at a party at the Defence School of Languages Beaconsfield to mark the Muslim festival of Eid-al-Adha in October last year.

The Royal Military Police and the RSPCA investigated the incident and took no further action.

A south Bucks Muslim leader condemned the killing – and said slaughter was rarely practiced in the community.

The Bucks Free Press understands the lamb was bought for the party at the base, pictured, off the A40 London Road.

It was attended by students at the school, which provides foreign language teaching to the British armed forces and English language teaching to foreign armed forces.

RSPCA spokesman Sophie Wilkinson said: «The allegation was that the lamb had been caused to suffer unnecessarily.»

She said: «We are not taking any further action.

«We could not establish any evidence that the animal had actually suffered.»

¿Y las regulaciones de higiene que no permiten sacrificar animales por aficionados y fuera de los mataderos autorizados?

Increíble. Y sucede en una base militar. ¿Sigue confiando aun alguien en «la legalidad» y en las fuerzas militares y de seguridad?

British Military Base Had Halal Slaughter to Celebrate Muslim Eid

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