ACTUALIZACIÓN: Según parece, no no se trata del Parlamento Eurpopeo, sino del parlamento regional valón. La causa de la confusión fue que las lelecciones se celebraron en el mismo día. Si alguien sabe algo más que nos lo aclare.
Se presentó por Bélgica. En la propaganda electoral le pusieron la foto que véis en la que se disimulaba el pañuelo. Estará en el grupo «popular» con los europarlamentarios peperos, con Oreja y su cuadrilla (Election Postmortem in the Netherlands and Flanders):
While the Christian Democrats tried to hide her headscarf from their general electorate, the Turkish citizens in Brussels knew better. Her headscarf is even the main reason to vote for her. In the Turkish promotion it did not disappear at all. In 2006 the Turks in Brussels were told: “Özgürlüğünü başörtüsüyle ifade ediyor. Belçika’nın en büyük belediyesine meclis üyesi secilen Mahinur Özdemir’in başörtülü olmasi, parti başkanınca böyle savunuluyor,” which reads approximately: Freedom of expression is under pressure. Support the headscarfed Mahinur Özdemir as member of Belgium’s largest municipal council. The party is another way to defend this [the headscarf].
The Turkish article continued: “In the municipal elections in the largest municipality in the country, the Brussels Turkish quarter called Schaerbeek has voted Mahinur Özdemir of the Christian Democratic Party onto the city council, who has always defended the headscarf, and whose chairman lets this young girl be free, free to do things her way. It is a lifestyle. This conviction. It deserves respect. Because it is a part of society. We all create society ourselves.” And this week they are excited that their Turkish headscarfed Muslim representative has been elected in the EU parliament.
Hasta le han dedicado un video al respecto:
¡Qué falta nos hacen los cosacos zaporogos, AMDG!
Que estos políticos son muy «leídos y escribidos», pero no se enteran de las cosas obvias. Los cosacos sí las sabían a pesar de llevar esos bigotazos.