Lo dice un predicador paquistaní (American Prisons now hothouses for Islam):
Pakistani religious leaders Sami ul-Haq and Fazrul Rehman predict that «in the next 10 years, Americans will wake up to the existence of an Islamic army in their midst-an army of jihadis who will force America to abandon imperialism and listen to the voice of Allah.» That army is being formed within the prison system.
Esperemos que despierten antes, porque en efecto, las cárceles están funcionado como centros de conversión y reclutamiento, especialmente de delincuentes negros,
Prison – – not the college campus, the workplace, or the neighborhood mosque – – has become the breeding ground for wholesale conversions of blacks.
The appeal of Islam to inmates is not difficult to explain.
Muslim prisoners demand and receive the right to observe congregational salat not only in the mosque but also the exercise yard, to a separate kitchen for the preparation of separate halal meals, to separate hours for showers and toilets to ensure their privacy, and to sadaqa (financial autonomy for their prison business endeavors, including the sale of incense, aromatic oils, and personal toiletries).1 They refuse to submit to strip-searching and frisking, claiming that such practices violated the Islamic code of wuduzu. These concessions grant Muslims the ability to corner the drug trade within the prison system.
By 2005, approximately 350,000 Muslims occupied prison cells, and 80% of inmates who found faith in prison converted to Islam.2 By 2008, such conversions were taking place at the astonishing clip of 40,000 a year.3 African Americans were being converted by the cellblock, causing FBI officials to speculate that this segment of the population represents the force from which the next 9/11 will originate.
Todo son ventajas para los presos musulmanes: comida especial, horarios especiales, productos especiales
La conversión de los autodenominados afroamericanos al Islam siempre me ha parecido la paletada del siglo (o de los siglos, porque siguen en eso los muy obtusos): abandonar la religión del amo (cristiano) para adoptar la religión del cazador de esclavos o negrero (musulmán).
Esto obviando que en muchas sociedades musulmanas, históricas y actuales, ha habido y hay esclavitud de negros. Por ejemplo en el Sudán actual.