RECORDATORIO: 20 de enero próximo, comienzo del juicio a Wilders

RECORDATORIO: Podéis ayudar así:

1) By mail – two possible texts; one comparing Wilders to Winston Churchill and another comparing him to Charlie Chaplin (what to print and put into the envelope and the recipients are indicated): (winston) (Charlie)

2) By putting a message in comments to articles talking about the trial of Geert Wilders in blogs. This message appears at the bottom of this page in 4 languages: FR, ENG, SP, D

To support Geert Wilders and our dearly acquired freedoms please participate to the 2 suggested actions and transmit this message to your friends who have websites so that they can spread the word.

3) By giving some money. To donate:

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Wilders se enfrenta a la acusación de agitar el odio racial por su documental Fitna y diversas declaraciones sobre la naturaleza criminal de la fe mahometana. Gates of Vienna nos trae dos textos al respecto (Criminalizing Criticism of Islam):

January 20, 2010 will be a crucial day in the defense of our freedom. That day the political process against Geert Wilders will begin. Commissioned by the Amsterdam Court, the Public Ministry has summoned Geert Wilders. The indictment reads: Insulting Muslims as a group, inciting hatred and discrimination against Muslims because of their religion, and inciting hatred and discrimination against non-western immigrants and/or Moroccans because of their race. This even though the earlier prosecutor saw no cause in the evidence for the prosecution to proceed.

Are you also against the political process against Geert Wilders, and do you want to defend freedom of expression? Come to Amsterdam to demonstrate! On January 20 at 9:00 in the District Court in Amsterdam.

Geert Wilders: “On January 20 a political court case will begin. I am being persecuted for my political convictions. Freedom of expression is balancing on the edge of a cliff. If a politician can not criticize an ideology any longer, there is no end to it, that will mean the end of our freedom. But I will remain combative: I am convinced that I will be acquitted».

Piden que nos manifestemos enfrente del juzgado, o en los consulados holandeses. Eso me recuerda una acción SITA que propusimos en su día, y que relanzamos aquí:

También nos cuentan de las consecuencias de una condena:

If Wilders is convicted, it will put an end to his political ability to fight Islam. Because then he will be disabled as a functioning politician. But it then goes even further. Because in such a case, from then on it also will be a criminal offense to criticize Islam. Muslims may at any time feel “offended”, “hated” and “discriminated against”. Judges in such cases must take account of the verdict against Wilders. This will not only cut off the political means to fight the Islam in the Netherlands, but also the public debate on Islam will have to go underground.

Or even worse: then a violent struggle against the Islam remains the only possibility. For that we will owe thanks to a court with a political opinion.

No creo que esa se produzca, al contrario, Wilders tiene una oportunidad de oro en este juicio político si sabe conducir las cosas hacia su terreno. Un paso ya lo ha dado, llamando al asesino de van Gogh, orgulloso de matar en nombre del Islam:

  • ““No siento su dolor. Yo no tengo ninguna simpatía por usted. No siento por ti, porque yo creo y tú  eres un no creyente “.
  • “Hice lo que hice debido puramente a mis creencias. Quiero que sepáis que actué por convicción y que no le quité la vida porque era neerlandés o porque yo sea marroquí y me sintiera insultado “.
  • Si alguna vez me liberara,  yo lo haría de nuevo”.
  • “yo disparé  a matar y para ser matado. .” Usted no puede entender “.

Os mantendremos informados.

Por cierto, es una vergüenza para toda la cristiandad católica que sea un político posiblemente ateo y no un obispo quien se tenga que sentar en el banquillo de los acusados. Queremos obispos perseguidos por la justicia a causa de la verdad. Menos diálogo con el infiel y más predicar el evangelio. ¡Queremos obispos mártires! Y si puede ser vírgenes, aunque estamos dispuestos a hacer la vista gorda con los pecadillos de juventud 🙂

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5 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Procès Geert Wilders: la dernière ligne droite « Ripostesita’s Blog
  2. PRIORITE absolue à Geert Wilders: SITA internationale de soutien « Sitafrancecompany's Blog
  3. PRIORITE absolue à Geert Wilders: SITA internationale de soutien « SITAsecure
  4. Geert Wilders’ trial is coming soon (January 20, 2010). Last step to support him with a SITA action « Defend Geert Wilders
  5. Dernier soutien à Geert Wilders avant son procès (4 Octobre 2010) « SITAsecure

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