El capitalismo y los judíos, reseña del libro de Jerry Z. Muller

Leo una reseña de este libro de autor judío, escrita por Brenton Sanderson en The Occidental Observer. Tiene en cuatro partes.

Primera (A Review of “Capitalism and the Jews” by Jerry Z. Muller, Part 1):

Muller is honest enough to admit there is a long history of ‘Jews who applied their entrepreneurial virtues to vice,’ noting that: ‘In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the extreme poverty of eastern European Jewry together with international migration led to substantial networks of Jews engaged in sexual commerce (as pimps, prostitutes, and brothel owners)’ and that ‘During the era of Prohibition in the United States, Jews were disproportionately active in the trade in illicit booze. The most successful Jewish gangsters then invested their profits in the gambling industry and played a seminal role in the creation of Las Vegas, that quintessential site of American vice cum mass entertainment’ (pp. 90-91). Muller could have added Hollywood and the pornography industry to this catalogue of commercial vice.

Confirma la participación judía en los negocios de sexo, alcohol y juego.

Segunda (A Review of “Capitalism and the Jews” by Jerry Z. Muller, Part 2):

Marx was influenced by Bruno Bauer, who characterized Judaism as a creed of egoism and intense particularism. Marx responded to Bauer’s indictment of the Jews by admitting the charge, but arguing it applied it to everyone under bourgeois society…

Marx’s strategy was essentially to utilize every negative characterization of market activity that Christians associated with Jews, but to insist that those qualities have now come to characterize society as a whole, very much including Christians.

Tiene razón: con el régimen económico actual, basado en la usura, hemos sido judaizados todos.

Tercera (A Review of “Capitalism and the Jews by Jerry Z. Muller, Part 3). Trata del sorprendente hecho de que, a pesar de que las sociedades capitalistas sirvan a los judíos para medrar económicamente como ninguna otra, hayan sido los principales agitadores del comunismo. Empieza con una cita de Toynbee:

The distinctively Jewish … inspiration of Marxism is the apocalyptic vision of a violent revolution which is inevitable because it is the decree … of God himself, and which is to invert the present roles of Proletariat and Dominant Minority in … a reversal of roles which is to carry the Chosen People, at one bound, from the lowest to the highest place in the Kingdom of This World. Marx has taken the Goddess ‘Historical Necessity’ in place of Yahweh for his omnipotent deity, and the internal proletariat of the modern Western World in place of Jewry; and his Messianic Kingdom is conceived as a Dictatorship of the Proletariat. But the salient features of the traditional Jewish apocalypse protrude through this threadbare disguise, and it is actually the pre-Rabbinical Maccabean Judaism that our philosopher-impresario is presenting in modern Western costume. (Toynbee, A. (1939) A Study of History – Vol. II, Oxford University Press, London, p. 178.

Ya hemos dicho en más de una ocasión que el comunismo es mesianismo judaico secularizado. Pero esto es lo más sorprendente:

Muller accepts that, within this overwhelmingly socialist milieu, ‘a sizable minority of young Jews (often, but not always of Russian Jewish origin) were attracted to the more radical and revolutionary movement of Communism,’ and that ‘this occurred in a remarkable range of settings: from Russia to the United States, from Egypt to South Africa’ (p[. 136). In addition, he concedes that ‘with so many Bolsheviks of Jewish origin in positions of leadership, it was easy to consider Bolshevism a “Jewish” phenomenon. And if Winston Churchill, who was personally remote from anti-Semitism, could regard Bolshevism as a disease of the Jewish body politic, those who had long conceived of Jews as the enemies of Christian civilization quickly concluded that Bolshevism was little more than a transmutation of the essence of the Jewish soul’ (p. 139).

Nevertheless, despite the detailed evidence that he presents in his own book, the identification of Bolshevism with the Jews is, for Muller, ‘mistaken’:

The myth of the Jew as Bolshevik emerged from the wave of revolutions at the close of World War I. … The identification of Jews with Communism was especially potent in those areas that had encountered Jewish revolutionaries firsthand in the post-war era: in Germany, Hungary, Poland, the Ukraine, and later Lithuania….

Es decir, reconoce que hay evidencias para considerar el bolchevismo un fenómeno judío, pero después dice que es un mito. No os asustéis, así razonan. El rechazo del Logos-Cristo y el Talmud les eximen de razonar con lógica y les hace capaces de usar cualquier argumento en la defensa de sus intereses.

Cuarta (A Review of “Capitalism and the Jews” by Jerry Z. Muller, Part 4). Sigue con el mismo tema, el protagonismo judío en dictaduras comunistas, las más criminales que registra la historia de occidente. Si en Rusia la disculpa era la opresión zarista, en Hungría, los judíos estaban en una situación envidiable, sin embargo, protagonizaron una revolución comunista (Bela Kun, es decir Cohen):

Muller notes that of the government’s forty-nine commissars, thirty-one were of Jewish origin. Despite their relative economic success, the ‘secularized Jewish intelligentsia of Hungary was naturally attracted to the ideology of radical internationalist socialism, which promised a political community based on universalism rather than on religious or national particularism’ (p. 155).

El gobierno de este Cohen tenía 31 comisarios judíos de un total del 49. Dos terceras partes. En el gobierno comunista húngaro tras la segunda guerra mundial sucede lo mismo:

Muller observes that ‘nowhere were Jews more prominent in the Sovietization of the nation’ than in Hungary, where ‘the key post of general secretary was once again occupied by a Jew, Mátyás Rákosi who billed himself as ‘Stalin’s best pupil’ (p. 173). The next five major positions were filled by Jews like Ernö Gerö (Singer) who became minister of state; Mihály Farkas (Wolf) who became minister of defense; József Révai who became the party’s chief ideologist and minister of culture; Gábor Péter (born Benö Auspitz) became head of the Hungarian political police; while control of the Hungarian economy went to another Jew, Zoltán Vas (Weinberger).

El presidente (que se hacía llamar “el mejor alumno de Stalin”) y los cinco principales ministros eran judíos.

El autor del libro reseñado, sin embargo, dice que, aunque los judíos destacan entre los criminales comunistas, las víctimas eran judíos y gentiles por igual. Pues va a ser que no. De hecho, no presenta ninguna evidencia.

Tomad nota.

3 comentarios

  1. «Manifiesto contra la usura y la servidumbre del interés del dinero»

    Gittfried Feder.

    El capitalismo y su evolución sonde origen judio, otra cosa esque el no judio haya acabado asimilandolo.

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