Está siendo la comidilla de los medios británicos en los últimos días:
BLOOD FOR OIL– Lockerbie Bomber al-Megrahi Was Released For Oil
On 21 December 1988, the wreckage of Pan Am Flight 103 crashed as a result of a terrorist bomb. 270 people were killed in the bombing including 169 Americans.
The British government decided it was in their best interest to release Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi free for oil contracts with Libya.
Tundra Tabloids (autor del fotomontaje) nos cuenta que en las celebraciones de los 40 años de paz de Gadaffi estaba previsto que el terorista liberado hiciera una aparición triunfal en las pantallas de fondo.
The Times gained access last night to the dress rehearsal of a spectacular two-hour show which extols Colonel Gaddafi for reviving his country and restoring Arab pride. As the finale approaches, the screen at the back of the giant stage in Tripoli’s Green Square shows Abdul Baset Ali al-Megrahi stepping off the plane which brought him home from his Scottish prison two weeks ago. His arms are raised aloft by Colonel Gaddafi’s son, Saif, as he acknowledges the joyful reception from the crowd below.
Gates Of Vienna nos cuenta que los tejemanejes de los políticos, en particular de Gordon, están saliuendo a la luz y causando algo más que indignación a la ciudadanía:
Papers released by the Scottish government included the minutes of a meeting with Libya earlier this year during which it was stated that Bill Rammell, then a foreign office minister, told Tripioli that neither the Prime Minister nor David Miliband, the Foreign Secretary, «would want Mr Megrahi to pass away in prison».
Si sirve para dar la puntilla al laborismo, bienvenido sea.
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