Egipto: Dos jóvenes coptas secuestradas para obligarlas a convertirse al Islam

Amira Morgan and Ingy Basta
Amira Morgan and Ingy BastaNo es nada nuevo (Abducted, Sold, and Converted to Islam), pero prestad atención a este detalle:

Al Fagr reporter Tamer Salah-el-Din highlighted how the operation, which is funded by Muslim businessmen, is carried out with the collusion of State Security and Mosque sheikhs. The ‘trading rates’ cashed by brokers for each Christian male and female conversion to Islam, at the time of writing this report, was 7000 Egyptian pounds for males and 6000 for females. The rates for Coptic girls fluctuate depending on how good-looking she is and her family’s social status.

Musulmanes ricos pagan una recompense a quienes consiguen conversiones de cristianos. En estos negocios participan los jeques de las mezquitas y las fuerzas de seguridad.

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