UE: Nacionalismo nuevo y nacionalismo malo

La Unión Europea tiene dos varas de medir para el nacionalismo. Una es el nacionalismo secesionista –catalán, escocés…- que afecta a las naciones grandes. Es el nacionalismo bueno, ya que sirve para erosionar el poder de las grandes naciones europeas que le pueden hacer frente. Pero hay un nacionalismo malo:

Where national sentiments pose a threat to the centralisation of power, the European machine is determined to extinguish them. Such is the case when it comes to Flemish nationalism, which threatens the very heart of the machine. Where, however, national sentiments serve to break down rival centres of power, the European machine gladly endorses them. It has dealt with my country as though Britain were a wholly artificial creation like Belgium, has encouraged Scottish and Welsh nationalism, and imposed on us an official map in which Scotland and Wales exists, but England is not mentioned, being merely the arbitrary sum of four independent ‘regions’ by which it is to be eventually replaced. Britain won the war, and established thereby its immovable place in our affections, a place that it cannot yield to a power-hungry bureaucracy situated in a once occupied country. The only way to destroy Britain, therefore, is to emphasize the rival loyalties that will blow it apart and at the same time destroy its center which is England.

La UE pone en el punto de mira a los nacionalismos secesionistas que pueden perjudicarla a ella. Pasan a ser nacionalismos “malos”, y quienes insisten en ellos son racistas y xenófobos.

Roger Scruton on Immigration, Multiculturalism and the Need to Defend the Nation State

2 comentarios

  1. Los nacionalismos tienen mucho de visceralidad irracional, y no poco de revanchismo trasnochado.

    No hay nacionalismo bueno, siempre es excluyente y racista, porque proclama que no todos descendemos del mismo mono.

    El patriotismo ciertamente es una virtud compatible con el respeto y el afecto a otras tierras.

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