Televisión pública alemana relaciona el cortometraje Fitna de Wilders (2008) con el asesinato de van Gogh (2004)

Los ataques de la clase política y periodística contra Wilders tras su reciente éxito electoral no se han hecho esperar, ni dudan en usar falsedades insidiosas (Who Killed Theo Van Gogh?):

«Before Parliament there are protests against the winner of the elections. Worried citizens are afraid of racism in the land of tolerance. The Party for Freedom led by the filmmaker Geert Wilders has become the second strongest force. Wilders has already faced prosecution for hate speech [«hate speech» is not a perfect translation here: «Volksverhetzung» is a German legal term that is mostly used in trials against Holocaust deniers. – translator]. Four out of twenty-five Dutch seats in Strasbourg go to him. His anti-Islam party wants to ban the Koran, demands a stop on immigration. The Muslim world was shocked by the Islam-critical film Fitna, produced by Wilders with Theo van Gogh. Intolerance with grave consequences: Theo van Gogh was murdered in 2004.»

Se trata de una de las más «prestigiosas» televisiones públicas alemanas.

Al BNP le está cayendo una parecida. Los guardaespaldas que protegen a su líder de los «antifascistas» son tratados de «macarras» por la prensa: BBC shows real if subtle bias against BNP

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