Esa sí que es una «alianza de civilizaciones» rentable. Con esos honorarios incluso me apuntaría yo:
The 15 guests who attended Khatami’s conference received considerable sums. Kofi Annan alone was paid around 2.8 million dollars to take part,» the magazine claimed. Sobhe Sadegh does not state how much Prodi was allegedly paid to attend the conference ‘Religion in the Contemporary World’, which took place in Khatami’s birthplace, Yazd, in central Iran. Prodi also visited the Iranian capital Tehran in mid-October, where he met Iran’s Supreme leader, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, and its hardline President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Y se especula que Prodi también cobró.
Iran: Former Leaders ‘Paid to Attend Conference
PS: Hablamos de ella aquí: Teherán, sede de una conferencia internacional sobre diversidad religiosa y mundo moderno
«…Con esos honorarios incluso me apuntaría yo…»
Jajajajajajaa Genial.