Los recupera Tundra Tabloids y los publica en Internet. El periódico donde fueron publicados originalmente cerró sus puertas en 1956. Los artículos están escritos en marzo de 1948.
Bobby Kennedy in Palestine — 1st of 4 Boston Post Articles from 60 Years Ago British Hated by Both Sides, Robert Kennedy, Special Writer for Post, Struck by Antipathy Shown by ‘Arabs and Jews’. By Robert Kennedy, June 3, 1948
The Jews point with pride to the fact that over 500,000 Arabs in the 12 years between 1932 and 1944, came into Palestine to take advantage of living conditions existing in no other Arab state. This is the only country in the Near and Middle East where an Arab middle class is in existence.
Aunque parezca mentira, los palestinos llegaron al rebufo de los judíos.
Kennedy in Palestine — Part Two Jews Heave a Fine Fighting Force, Make Up for Lack of Arms with Undying Spirit, Unparalleld Courage — Impress the World By Robert Kennedy, June 4, 1948
I talked to members of the underground organization Irgun. They were responsible for the King David Hotel disaster and told me proudly that they were responsible for blowing up the Cairo Haifa train which had just taken place with the loss of 50 British soldiers.
Un atentado terroristas NO es un desastre sino un crimen, y no se puede hablar de pérdida de 50 soldados, sino de vil asesinato.
Kennedy in Palestine — Part Three. British Position Hit in Palestine, Kennedy Says They Seek to Crush Jewish Cause Because They Are Not in Accord with It, By Robert Kennedy, June 5, 1948
When I was in Lebanon and asked a dean at the American University at Beirut if many students were leaving for the fight in Palestine he shrugged and said, “Not now – the quota has been oversubscribed.” When journeying by car from Jerusalem to Amman I passed many truckloads of armed Arabs and even then Jericho was alive with Arab troops. There is no question that it was taken over by the Arabs for an armed camp long before May 15.
Kennedy in Palestine — Part Four: Communism Not to Get a Foothold, Jews Guard against Red Agents in Guise of Refugees – Want No Part of Russian Tyrant, By Robert Kennedy, June 6, 1948
The United Nations is scoffed at by both sides and the United States will never be able to regain the position of ascendancy she previously enjoyed with the Arab world. She lost the love of the Arabs when she supported partition. She lost their respect when she reversed that decision. [Editor’s note: In March 1948 the State Department reversed its support for partition and called for a UN trusteeship.] She lost it irreparably. For days on end Arab commentators drummed into their people that finally the power of the Arab world had been realized.
The Jews on the other hand believe that in a few more years, if a Jewish state is formed, it will be the only stabilizing factor remaining in the Near and Middle East. The Arab world is made up of many disgruntled factions which would have been at each other’s throats long ago if it had not been for the common war against Zionism. The United States and Great Britain before too long a time might well be looking to a Jewish state to preserve a toehold in that part of the world.
Pues en esas estamos aún. Creo que es un error estratégico grave intentar solucionar la violencia cultural endémica del Islam. Es preferible aislarse de ellos y ver el espectáculo, por poco edificante que sea, desde cierta distancia. Inmiscuirse solo complica las cosas.
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