De Ministro de Sanidad de los talibanes a imán refugiado en Noruega

Menudos «refugiados» que estamos metiendo en casa: Norway: Taliban’s health minister avoiding war crimes tribunal

He’s an imam for a little community in Oslo, but was the health minister in the Taliban government in Afghanistan for three years.

Most of those who’d been in the government with him are either arrested or wanted.  He himself lives safely in Norway since he came here in 2000.

NRK was further informed that several of the Afghans in Norway cooperated with the Police Security Service (PST) or with the allied forces in Afghanistan.  NRK has documents that show the former Taliban minister is one of those.

The imam is on the KRIPOS (National Criminal Investigation Service) list of people who are suspect of war crimes, but until now he’s escaped investigation.

Sospechosos de crímenes de guerra, pero no lo han investigado. Recuérdese que en tiempos de los talibanes se negaba a las mujeres instrucción escolar y servicios médicos…

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