El Consejo de las Asociaciones Católicas de la Archidiócesis de Colonia denuncia a la ultraderecha

Se refiere a las iniciativas pacíficas de Pro-Koln contra la islamización de la ciudad:

From the Pro-Köln website: The Council of Catholic Associations in the Archdiocese of Cologne has drafted a «united declaration» on how to deal with the citizens’ movement Pro-Köln and Pro-NRW «whose ideology» they «clearly reject». The aim is to prevent the Pro-movement from gaining in the municipal and regional elections: «We perceive that right-wing extremism is spreading in our society. We also register an increase in both right-wing extremism related crimes as well as the increased desire by extreme right-wing parties and organizations to gain a foothold in the middle of societies and make an entry in 2009 in the local parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia, and from there in 2010 in the national parliament.»

Esto, evidentemente, es hacer política ¿denunciará la izquierda estos intentos? ¿Pedirá la separación de iglesia y estado? ¿Se darán cuenta estas asociaciones que van de la mano con la extrema izquierda más violenta?

Pro-Köln’s Plan B

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