Un terrorista palestino muerto hubiera recibido mayor atención:
(ANSAmed) – BEIRUT, NOVEMBER 27 – Pan-arab satellite programs and their main internet sites have paid modest attention to the attacks in Mumbai which caused more than 100 deaths, while ‘jihadist’ sites limited themselves to scant comments of celebration. The Qatar broadcast al-Jazeera has had several link-ups with its correspondent there but without following events with a special broadcast. Al-Arabiya, the TV channel broadcasting from Dubai and financed by the Royal Saudi house, also reported the events in Mumbai using its journalists on the scene, but broadcast as part of the usual daily news. On its website Alarabiya.net, the attacks in India are in fourth place, after news on Lebanon, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia. Another important London-based Saudi news website, Elaph, opens with the Mumbai attacks but along with other photo news on Iraq, sport and medicine. Al-Jazeera has the attacks in India and Afghanistan as its headlines for ‘home in movement’. Islamic extremist forums also give it a low profile, in a ‘posting’ by some subscriber who adds laconically: «Allahu Akbar» (God is Great). (ANSAmed)
Tienen otras prioridades, obviamente.
Yo creo que para ellos no se trata más que del parte rutinario de cada día desde el frente de Dar Al Harb. Un día de yijad especialmente fructífero, nada más. Vamos, que no les emociona mucho.
Buchanan lo vuelve a hacer: «Socialist Republic»
Muerte de una progre.
Se dedica a pasearse en bici por la zona más peligrosa de la más peligrosa ciudad de los EUA a las doce de la noche. Se hospedaba en la casa «de un amigo, de un amigo, de un viejo amigo, de un nuevo amigo» o algo así. Viajando en plan hippy por los EE.UU., esa balsa de aceite. Por supuesto era de San Francisco, de dónde si no.
He metido a Buchanan al Reader.
Bueno, qué decir del caso de la «community organiser»… Qué en paz descanse. Y si es posible que algún otro tome ejemplo.