La Humanidad debe derrotar al Islam

Mejor que la Humanidad, digamos los infieles, también ellos forman parte de ella. Se trata aquí de un interesante artículo de un tal Azam Kamguiam (¿armenio?), exiliado iraní, para una conferencia sobre Humanismo e Islam del IHEU International Humanist and Ethical Union) World Congress 2002. Esta es una selección:

Essentially, Islam is a set of beliefs and rules that militate against human prosperity, happiness, welfare, freedom, equality and knowledge.

I, along with thousands of political prisoners, was tortured by order of the representative of Allah and Sharia; tortured, while the verses of the Koran about nonbelievers were played in the torture chambers. The voice reading the Koran was mixed with our cries of pain from lashes and other brutal forms of torture. They raped women political prisoners for the sake of Allah and in expectation of his reward. They prayed before raping them.

Pero lo peor de todo -especialmente para quienes han sufrido personalmente el Islam- es la quintacolumna progre que tenemos aquí:

When I came to the West in the beginning of the 1990s, I was faced by the fact that the majority of intellectuals, the mainstream media, the academic world, and many feminists, in the name of respecting other cultures and religions, were trying to justify Islam by dividing it into fundamentalist and moderate, progressive and reactionary, Medina’s and Mecca’s, folksy and non-folksy, poisonous and edible. For people like me, first-hand victims of the Islamic Holocaust, it was suffocating to listen to and to have to refute endless tales to justify this terror, atrocity and misogyny.

“The rights of freedom of expression, equality of men and women, and a secular state apply to people in the ‘Third World’ too. Isn’t it shameful that we have to argue about it?”

The Silent Holocaust: Why Humanity Must Achieve Victory over Islam

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