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French intefadeh. Nation’s troubles could offer glimpse of a future Canada

The international media no longer start the news with France’s riots, though they continue nightly.

It is because the shock value of the riots is gone. The French intefadeh is the new normal.

The French media no longer exaggerate and gloat at America’s challenges with hurricane Katrina — they are now complaining the world’s media exaggerates France’s own inability to quell their nascent civil war.

But hurricane Katrina’s initial horrible estimates of body counts turned out to be wildly exaggerated, as were the rumours of depravity in the Louisiana Superdome.

France, by contrast, has done everything it can to mask the true nature of its own problems — a large and unassimilated mass of Muslim immigrants, in which a hard core of Islamic fascists operate.

Estimates vary as to the number of Muslims in France. The CIA’s world factbook estimates it to be as high as six million. Other social scientists put the number as high as eight million. In 2004, French counter-intelligence estimated al-Qaida alone had 40,000 recruits in France that were engaged in paramilitary training.

Cómo construyó Francia el odio:

(…) los suburbios en donde han explotado los disturbios, en Seine-Saint-Denis, pertenecen al llamado “cinturón rojo”, gobernado desde hace tiempo por el Partido Comunista.

En los años 80, cuando los comunistas comenzaron a perder los votos de la clase trabajadora blanca frente al Frente Nacional anti-inmigrante de Jean-Marie Le Pen, los estalinistas reaccionaron intentando aventajar al Frente en el ataque a árabes y africanos. Recuerdo vivamente un acto entonces sorprendente, a finales de los años 80, cuando Paul Mercieca, el alcalde comunista de Vitry-sur-Saine (otro punto de inflamación de la violencia actual), demolió un edificio habitado por 300 inmigrantes procedentes del oeste de África.

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