Tiene delito (Netherlands: Labor Party should not meddle in religion):
Mohammed Mohandis
When, as a Moroccan-Dutch, you put a glass of cold beer to your lips, it happens now that an ethnic Dutch confronts you: Hey, you’re Muslim, no? You can’t drink alcohol? Or you stand in the supermarket to pay for your chicken and the cashier says seriously: that’s not halal. In the Netherlands of 2009 you’re Islamisized by the non-Muslims, says Mohammed Mohandis. And that, he says, also happens in his own party – the PvdA.
Fouad el Haji
‘I once told Wouter Bos,’ PvdA councillor Fouad el Haji recalls, «that I think it’s a pity that secularism is not a political subject. Nobody stands up and says: We must link the group of secular Muslims to us. I told him: I notice that people leave because they don’t feel represented. You don’t only lose votes with that, but also potential members. Highly educated, rich in ideas, engaged, involved youth,»
Mostapha el Madkouri
Mostapha el Madkouri (38) says that as a politican or official, you shouldn’t get that into your head. The councilor from Almere is speaking of the municipal service-counter that Utrecht opened in a mosque earlier this year. That was decided by a PvdA official. That is undesirable. You should not put in civil servants there, do that in the municipality buildings. No ethnic-Dutch likes it, and rightly so. It’s a public service where he doesn’t feel welcome. While it should be accessible by everybody.
Dentro de poco lo veremos en el muy laicista PSOE ¿apostamos?
Si el fenómeno de colonización de España sigue su curso, como es presivible a día de hoy, veremos a muchos militantes y líderes del PSOE convertirse al islamismo. No hablo, lógicamente, de militantes o líderes procedentes de la inmigración marroquí, sino de españoles. Y no sólo del PSOE. Es el camino seguido en sus tiempos por el líder independentista e islamista Blas Infante, que hoy, con su nombre, ensucia el de Andalucía.
El proceso de auto-islamización (¿concepto de Geert Wilders?) ha comenzado hace tiempo en España, estimulado mucho aquí con la particularidad de la fanfarria de Al Ándalus y demás imposturas intelectuales.