El 11S detuvo la transformación de la UE en una “unión inmigratoria”.

Es lo que nos cuenta el consejero del ex comisario europeo Frits Bolkestein, que muestra en un libro recientemente publicado las “intrigas, quimeras y peligros” del proceder de los “mandarines comunitarios”.

Así, en 2001 Bolkestein dio el visto bueno inadvertidamente a una propuesta que habría convertido definitivamente a la UE en una “unión inmigratoria”. Tuvo que frenarla conspirando:

At that time, Belgium was the president of the European Council. So Bolkestein and I made an appointment with the Belgian minister of Justice, Marc Verwilghen, a very nice man. We met and we had a good lunch with lots of champagne. We agreed that the European proposal was totally unrealistic. I asked Verwilghen to try to get it off the agenda of the Commission and to bury it somewhere in his office, never to be seen again. And that is exactly what happened. A few weeks later, 9/11 happened, and public opinion and politicians got a completely different view on immigration.

También nos exponen las tres ficciones que tienen engañada a la UE:

If we are nice to the world, then the world will be nice to us. If we leave radical leaders alone, then nothing will happen to us.

Mentally, we are preparing for our retirement. Nothing new, please! Will prosperity be sustained? We’ll worry about that later.

The best protection against globalisation is isolation.

Habrá que leer el libro «Life of a European Mandarin – Inside the Commission».

Former European Mandarin Exposes Intrigue, Illusions and Dangers

5 comentarios

  1. Menos mal que en el calculo de estructuras se suelen utilizar coeficientes de ponderacion que los hacen sobre 1,4 veces mas resistentes que lo necesario, nos van a hacer mucha falta.

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